Getting Started with Programming in C# (TTCN10975)

Jumpstart your coding journey with our hands-on Introduction to Programming in C# and .NET Core course, designed for beginners eager to build foundational programming skills and start thinking like a developer.

Online; Instructor-Led

Date & Hours

Feb. 10 - 14;
9:30am - 5:30pm Eastern


Chuck McCullough

Trivera Technologies


Charles Schwab

Embark on your programming journey! Dive into coding fundamentals, object-oriented concepts, and C# to build essential skills for creating effective applications in .NET Core!

"I'm new to programming and curious about coding in C# and .NET Core." Want to know how these tools can boost your coding skills and streamline your development process? We've got you covered!

C# is an excellent choice for beginners to build efficient, scalable applications that enhance user experiences.

In this foundational programming course, experienced instructors will guide you through the essentials of coding, object-oriented development, and C#. You'll gain a solid understanding of C#'s core principles and learn how to create straightforward software solutions using .NET Core.

Expert Guidance,
Real Results

Experience is Everything. Get real-time feedback and guidance throughout. Learn from our engaging Java experts in a fun, effective way. Gain the practice and confidence needed to apply your new skills right away.

Gain Valuable,
High-Impact Skills

Ready-Set-Go! Our responsive teaching style lets us drill down on what's most valuable to you and focus on your goals. We'll make sure you leave the course feeling confident and job-ready.

Great Tips, Resources &
EveryCourse Extras

We're in it for the Long Haul. Access rich resources, best practices guides, tip sheets and plenty of after-class practice activities to continue to build your skills. After class support with our live team is included.